Arriving on Time

Today new winds without wordsarriving on time.Invaluable on rainy Emmy Horstkamp 24/1/2024 I wrote the poem above while working on a collaborative art project with Storey Tarris UK. For Salaterre, I write a poem based on artwork created by Storey Tarris UK on that day. The artwork is time based. Each poem in theContinue reading “Arriving on Time”

Frosted Platform – January 18, 2024

A frosted Platform – Standing on the yellow line.Boredom nowhere Emmy Horstkamp My current phone has a digital journal called journal. I started to keep notes on January 3, 2024 and used my notes this morning for my morning poems. This morning’s notes included: Some of my notes made it into my morning poemContinue reading “Frosted Platform – January 18, 2024”

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